Touriga Nacional 2016

Touriga Nacional 2016

Touriga Nacional 2016

Touriga Nacional 2016

1 UND.
Desde 40,00€

Reasons for study:

  • To observe how it adapts to our soil and climate. As this is an extra-early variety, it should adapt well to our brief “frost-free period”, during which the vine develops its vegetative cycle.
  • To enhance the complexity of our white wine.


Initial conclusions:

  • This variety performs extremely well in warm years as the ripening process is completed, resulting in wines with highly-balanced wines in terms of acidity, alcohol and structure.
  • The results improve even further as the vineyard ages.


Key aspects:

  • We transported the vine stalks personally in our Land Rover from the Ferreira vineyards in Portugal, following a massal selection. Half of the vines were planted directly, without grafting.

Información Adicional


Touriga Nacional


16-18 meses en barricas de roble francés